Are you aware of how much time you can save and the productivity raise that you
could obtain through the development of a well-defined Excel Spreadsheet?
How many times, when working with an Excel Spreadsheet, you realize that it is not
being efficient, you cannot find the appropriate operations and do not know the
functions to satisfy your needs?
planillero.com offers you to automate the spreadsheets used in your business through
outsourcing service; this way you will save time and optimize the functions of this
tool, through:
Spreadsheets that extract information from Databases
Data extraction from MSSQL or MySQL database, directly to an Excel spreadsheet.
Creation of customized management reports with graphics, pivot tables, Excel’s built
in or custom formulas, among others.
Spreadsheets that extract information from Web Pages
Creation of customized spreadsheets using macro commands in Visual Basic (VBA) that
can connect to a specific website and extract important information that is constantly
updated (i.e. currency conversion, finance, stock indicators).
With the extracted data and using Excel's tools, your spreadsheet will be always
up to date.
Custom spreadsheets and creation of new functions for your specific needs
Optimization of spreadsheets through Excel’s built in formulas.
Coding of customized solutions using macro commands in Visual Basic (VBA).
We study the logics and content of your Excel spreadsheets in order to optimize them.